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 1. Brian Fisher  Spirit-Led Living - Acts 18  �2005 Grace Bible Church, Coll 
 2. Michael Fisher  The Acts of the Holy Spirit - Acts 2:40 - Be Saved from this Perverse Generation  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 3. Michael Fisher  The Acts of the Holy Spirit - Acts 2,40 - Be Saved from this Perverse Generation, pt.2  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 4. Michael Fisher  The Acts of the Holy Spirit - Acts 2,14 - What was Peter Thinking?  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 5. Michael Fisher  The Acts of the Holy Spirit - Acts 2,44-47 - They Had All Things in Common  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 6. Michael Fisher  The Acts of the Holy Spirit - Acts 2,1-4  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 7. Matthew Cotta  The Spirit of the Last Days, Acts 2:1-21   
 8. Michael Fisher  Acts 6:8-15 - Are You Quenching the Holy Spirit?  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 9. Dr. Brown  8-26-07-Sermon-Acts 7-The Spirit of Martyrdom  FIRE Church Sermons 
 10. Dr. Brown  4-22-07-Sermon-Acts 8-Becoming a People of the Spirit  FIRE Church Sermons 
 11. Michael Fisher  The Acts of the Holy Spirit Acts1,3-14  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 12. Rev. Ian Hamilton  Acts 17:22-34: The unknown god and the true and living God  Cambridge Presbyterian Church 
 13. Daniel A. Brown Ph. D  Acts: The Impact of No Account Living   
 14. Rev. Ian Hamilton  Acts 20:22-27: The one life worth living  Cambridge Presbyterian Church 
 15. Graham Beynon  Resisting the Holy Spirit - Acts 6-7 - Reading  Avenue Community Church 
 16. Graham Beynon  Resisting the Holy Spirit - Acts 6-7 - Sermon  Avenue Community Church 
 17. Inner Light Community Gospel Choir  Spirit Of The Living God  2004-08-30 Recording Session 
 18. Kroc Church Worship Team  Spirit of the Living God  Kroc Church 2009 
 19. Rev. Dennis L. Haarer  Living by the spirit of God  Living by the spirit of God 
 20. Jose Gomez  Spirit of the Living God  The Offering 
 21. Dr. Robert B. Thompson  Living by the Law or Spirit   
 22. Fred Herron  2009-10-11 Living by the Spirit's Power  Freedom in Christ 
 23. Derek Cross  Living by the Spirit; the way that overcomes sinful desires  Teaching programme from Woodlands Evangelical Church, Oakwood, Serby 
 24. Dr. J.K. Warrick, Church of the Nazarene General Superintendent  2009-03-24 Holiness Summit - Living daily in the power of the Spirit  2008-2009 Chapel Messages 
 25. My Game Music Redone  Elemental Master - Like the Wind, Until the end of the Earth, Specter Living in the Water, Calling on the Dark Dragon King, Spirit of Light  Tape 06 
 26. Daniel A. Brown Ph. D  Acts: Conclusion-Acts of the Early Believers   
 27. Dr. Brown  10-28-07-Sermon-Acts 28-Acts 28 and then what?  FIRE Church Sermons 
 28. Daniel A. Brown Ph. D  Acts: The Study of Acts Ch. 23-26   
 29. St. Augustine  Chs. 39-42: To which attention should be given and in what spirit. Whatever has been rightly said by the heathen we must appropriate. What kind of spirit required for study of Scripture. Sacred script  On Christian Doctrine: Bk. 2 
 30. George Strait  George Strait - The Road Less Traveled - 04 - Living And Living Well  The Road Less Traveled 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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